The world’s highest electric charging station was inaugurated in Kaza of Lahaul and Spiti district in Himachal Pradesh on Tuesday. Kaza district authorities in a statement said more such stations would be set up in the region based on the popularity of the one inaugurated on September 24. The EV station will also help in checking the population.
“This is the world’s highest electric vehicle charging station at 500 ft in Kaza. It is the first station here. If the station gets a good response, more stations would be set up. It will also help to check vehicular pollution,” Mahendra Pratap Singh, Kaza Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM) told ANI.
“Today two women have come from Manali to Kaza on the electric vehicle to promote a sustainable environment. The weather nowadays is changing abruptly due to an increase in air pollution and the emission of gases from vehicles is one of the main causes of this pollution,” he added.
One of the women who participated in the EV promotion drive told ANI that all the products including charges at the station were made in India.
“All the products are made in India here and we travelled from Manali to Kaza to promote sustainable energy. Also, there is a myth that we can not cover long-distance journeys on electric vehicles. So, we both wanted to prove it wrong by riding these electric scooters today from Manali. We had a very comfortable journey,” the woman was quoted as saying.