Music composer Yo Yo Honey Singh has been hogging the limelight ever since his wife Shalini Talwar accused him of domestic violence. She has accused the rapper of multiple offences under the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act. On Tuesday, Talwar filed a plea at Delhi’s Tis Hazari Court and shared details of her allegations against the rapper in the 120-page petition.
The two got married in 2011 and before that, they were in a relationship for over a decade. The petition, filed by Talwar, reportedly names Hirdesh Singh (the musician’s real name) as a respondent, along with his parents and younger sister. In the same, it has been mentioned how Singh’s attitude towards his wife changed suddenly when they were on their honeymoon.
Talwar has accused the rapper of leaving her alone on the trip and for being in a drunken state. The petition also stated that when she asked Singh about the same, he pulled her hair and slapped her, as reported by Hindustan Times.
Further, Singh’s wife has also accused him of having an affair with a woman who worked with him on the Brown Rang music video. It has been stated that when she was fasting for him on Karwa Chauth, he was in Dubai with the said woman. Upon his return, Talwar found their photos in a “compromising position”.
Singh reportedly told Talwar to mind her own business and threw “liquor bottles” at her. Talwar stated that she found more pictures with different women later as well.
Talwar has sought Rs 10 crore compensation under the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, stating that she felt like a “farm animal…being treated cruelly”. She also asked the court to order the musician to pay rent of Rs 5 lakh every month for fully furnished accommodation in Delhi.
Meanwhile, Singh had also issued a statement recently to clear his side of the story. “I am deeply pained and distressed by the false and malicious allegations levied against me and my family by my companion/wife of 20 years, Mrs. Shalini Talwar. The allegations are severely odious,” he shared.
“I strongly refute all the allegations but will not comment any further because the matter is sub-judice before the Court of Law. I have full faith in the judicial system of this country, and I am confident that the truth will be out soon,” a part of his statement read.