Q1FY22, L&T consolidated revenue jumped 38%YoY at Rs 29,334.7 crore. While the operational performance was good with EBITDA at Rs 3171.5 cr vs Rs1,620.9 cr in Q1FY21 and margins at 10.8% this time. The company’s Profit missed estimate with a number at Rs 1,174.4 cr in the current quarter.
The Order inflow registers growth of 13% and gets the consolidated order book of the group at Rs 323,721 cr, with international orders at 20% of the total order book.
Then Infrastructure segment secured orders of Rs11023Cr where the operational performance got better in this quarter. EBITDA margin for Infrastructure was up from 6.3% to 7.1%YoY. Customer revenues witnessed a growth of 63% with better execution momentum.
In the financial services segment, Income from operations was recorded at Rs.3061Cr registering a YoY decline of 7% on account of a decline in the loan book. Loan Book Decrease reflecting a cautious lending approach, focus on collections, portfolio sell down, pre-payments in certain verticals, and a rundown of the de-focused business portfolio. But, Operating Margin and NIM% higher on YoY
Others segment Customer revenues was recorded at Rs.1329Cr,YoY growth of 86%. While, EBITDA margins improved significantly from 6.7% in Q1FY21 to 15.2% this quarter.
The FY22 guidance was maintained on all fronts for low to mid-teen growth in order inflows and revenue as well as core E&C margins to be maintained at FY21 levels. As per the management, they are witnessing signs of pick-up in economic activity. Also, with external demand strengthening, a rebound in global trade is expected.
The Company’s focus continues to be on efficient execution of its large order book, working capital reduction, cost optimization through use of digital technologies aimed at operational efficiencies and driving an agile Balance Sheet