Every time, Bollywood actors Tiger Shroff and Disha Patani step out together in the city, people can’t help but adore how good they look together. Grapevine has been abuzz with rumours of their relationship, but Disha and Tiger have always maintained the ‘good friends’ tag. Tiger and Disha continue to be unfazed about their link-up rumours and enjoy a good time together. Right from celebrating each other’s birthday to going out on vacations together, they have done it all.
They not just share a good bond personally but also professionally. So far, they have worked together in Baaghi 2. However, the actress did a special dance number in Baaghi 3, in which Tiger reunited with his Baaghi co-star Shraddha Kapoor. Up next, both actors have a few films lined up.
In the meantime, Krishna Shroff reveals how she looks at her brother Tiger’s bond with Disha. While talking about the same, the fitness enthusiast was all praise for the actors. In an exclusive conversation with Times Now Digital, Krishna said:
Krishna further said that Tiger is her best friend and he’s been the inspiration for her to take up fitness seriously. And while Tiger has made his acting debut in Bollywood, Krishna hasn’t stepped foot in the film industry.
Having said that, Krishna recently did her first music video with Kinni Kinni Vaari, a song that is all about celebrating womanhood. The young girl joined hands with Jannat Zubair, Jamie Lever, and others for the track.