Malayalam star Anoop Menon’s official Facebook handle has been taken over by cybercriminals on Monday. The hackers have been uploading some videos and images on the handle. The multi-faceted talent Anoop has informed the cyber cell and the actor shared that the account will be restored soon.
He took to his official Instagram handle and wrote, “Dear all, this is to inform you that my official FACEBOOK page has been hacked ..this was done on Monday and the hacker has duly removed all the four admins I had on the page and taken over the space which has 15 lkh friends in it and he now uses it to upload funny videos and stuff..”
The actor further added, “We have informed Facebook and our diligent cyber cell and they have promised us to look into the matter..till I retrieve the page please take this as an intimation that I will be off Facebook for a while.hope I get it back soon.cant wait to get connected to you darlings the new outfit looks like this with a king as the profile picture
On the work front, Anoop is currently gearing up for the release of his upcoming Mollywood film Padma. The teaser of the upcoming film was released recently. Anoop and Surabhi Lakshmi are playing the lead characters in the film. The movie is written and directed by Anoop.
The recently released teaser features a brief conversation between the lead actors Surabhi and Anoop. The film marks Anoop’s debut as a producer, and is bankrolled by the actor under his home banner Anoopmenon StoryZ. Music director Ninoy Varghese has composed the music for the film. Mahadevan Thampi handled the cinematography and editing is done by Zian Sreekanth.
Meanwhile, Anoop was last seen in King Fish, which marked his directorial debut. Director Ranjith was seen in a pivotal role in the movie. Apart from acting, Anoop has worked as a screenwriter in various films including Beautiful, Trivandrum Lodge, David and Goliath, Hotel California and Lavender. The multitalented actor has also penned songs for films like Beautiful, Namukku Parkkan, Buddy and The Dolphins. He has appeared in several television serials Swapnam, Megham and Sthree Janmam among others.