Malayalam Bigg Boss Season 3 team has decided to go with a new plan for deciding the winner. Malayalam Bigg Boss 3 hosted by Mohanlal was restricted from shooting further, so the team has come up with a new idea in deciding the winner.
As per the new promo released on Asianet television, the winner of this season’s Bigg Boss will be chosen based on the people’s vote.
Malayalam Bigg Boss Season 3 had completed 96 days successfully. But before the commencement of the 100th day, the shoot got interrupted by the Tamil Nadu officials. As per the lockdown rules, shooting should not commence in the state. So the team was ordered to stop the shoot.
As per the reality show’s regular rules, the winner will be selected only at the end of the 100th day. But the situation seems that there will not be a chance for a further shoot. So the team has now come up with the idea of choosing a winner by asking the people to vote for their contestant.
Thus, the remaining contestants, including Manikuttan, Dimpal Bhal, Sai Vishnu, Rithu Manthra, Ramzan Muhammed, Kidilam Firoz, Anoop Krishnan, and Noby Marcose, have thus emerged as the finalists of the show.
Voting lines are kept open now, and the audience can vote for their favourite contestant from May 24 to May 29. The viewers can vote through the Disney+ Hotstar App as usual.
Amidst this, actress Aswathy has shared her views on voting for the contestant. She has written a long post on her Instagram page in Malayalam, which can be translated as, “The power is now vested in our hands to decide the winner. My opinion is that priority should be given to people who managed to stay in the house for 96 days and showcased a good performance.”
She also further added that the viewers need to give preference for the newcomers, who had entered the house with big hope
This new method of deciding the winner was brought in by the team with no other option to go. There was just a week left for the ticket-to-finale task, but the show couldn’t proceed further. The Bigg Boss team has not announced anything regarding the finale. Viewers hope that the finale will be held by this weekend, but how and other details are yet to be disclosed by the BB Malayalam team.