It was on April 28 when Telugu actor Allu Arjun had taken to social media to inform his fans and well-wishers that he has tested positive for COVID-19. “Hello everyone. I have tested positive for Covid. I have isolated myself at home and have been following all the protocols. I request those who have come in contact with me to get tested. Stay home, stay safe and get vaccinated when you get the chance. I request all my well-wishers and fans to not worry as I am doing fine”, read his post.
Ever since, the Ala Vaikuntapuram actor has been under isolation at his Hyderabad home; which is almost since the last 20 days. To cheer him up and make him feel happy, Ram Charan and his wife Upasana did something really special today. The power couple decided to send out some essential goodies, food items for Allu and along with that they, they also attached a heartfelt hand-written note.
“Dear Buns!! Hope you recovered well. Let’s meet when you are feeling better. Lots of Love, Charan (sic)”, wrote Ram Charan in his special letter to Allu Arjun. The latter got obviously very overwhelmed with this gesture by Ram Charan and his wife. Here, check out how Allu Arjun thanked the couple and also take a closer look at the goodies and Ram Charan’s hand-written letter
Just 6 days ago, Allu Arjun had taken to Instagram to share a health update. He wrote that he has mild Covid-19 symptoms and is recovering well. He also asked his fans not to worry as he is doing fine. Hello everyone! I am doing well with very mild symptoms. Recovering well and nothing to worry. I am still in quarantine. Thank you so much for all the love you have been showing and the prayers you have been sending my way. Gratitude (sic)”, he said through his social media post.
On the professional front, Allu Arjun will be next seen in Sukumar’s Pushpa, which will release on August 13. He also has a film each with Venu Sriram and Koratala Siva.
Here’s hoping Allu Arjun recovers soons and gets back to being hale and hearty like before. You too can share your get well soon wishes for Allu Arjun by tweeting to us