The Delhi High Court on Thursday came down heavily on the Arvind Kejriwal government when it claimed that the existing medical infrastructure in the national capital is not in shambles. “Now you are behaving like an ostrich with its head in the sand,” the High Court told the Delhi government.
“Existing medical infrastructure in Delhi completely in shambles,” the court added. The court further asked the government to provide facilities for medical treatment to all Delhi residents suffering from coronavirus infections.
The court criticised the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government in Delhi saying that there is a complete failure and it is very clear that systems are not in place. The HC’s remarks came when an advocate told the bench that according to an RTI reply, the Delhi government did not procure ventilators purchased in the last six months.
The Delhi High Court observed that Article 21 guarantees the Right to Life while noting that the coronavirus has mutated and is proving to be lethal as the ongoing wave is causing inflammation in the lungs and onset of pneumonia. In most cases the patient requires supervision in ICU and even a ventilator, the court said.
“The existing medical infrastructure in the State is being completely exposed when it is put to test. This court cannot turn away the petitioner by merely telling him that the state doesn’t have the infrastructure, ” the HC said.
“At the same time, there are thousands of others who are infected and have an equal claim but these people may not have the resources to approach the court. It further stated that it shall be the obligation of the State to provide a bed with a ventilator facility.
Earlier today, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal thanked the Centre, Central government, Delhi High Court and Supreme Court saying that the national capital received 730 tonnes of oxygen supply against its daily demand of 700 tonnes on Wednesday from the Centre for the first time since the crisis began after Covid-19 infections increased rapidly