The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) escalated their war of words following the announcement of Delhi assembly election dates. The BJP targeted AAP over the CAG report on renovations at the Chief Minister’s official residence. In response, AAP leaders challenged the BJP to open Arvind Kejriwal’s ‘Sheesh Mahal’ to the public, claiming it would expose the truth about the alleged modifications.
Police set up barricades and deployed personnel outside the CM’s bungalow at 6, Flagstaff Road, blocking AAP leaders from entering the premises. AAP leaders invited the media on a tour of the Delhi Chief Minister’s residence, following BJP’s allegations that it was turned into a “Sheesh Mahal” under Arvind Kejriwal’s tenure.
When asked if they had prior permission, leaders Atishi Singh and Saurabh Bharadwaj responded, “Why should we need permission to enter the CM’s residence?”
The leaders were later seen speaking with officials at the bungalow, requesting entry.
“Who has instructed you to stop us? I am a minister and I am here for an inspection. How can you stop me and on whose orders? Have you received directions from the lieutenant governor? He is the only authority above my position,” PTI quoted Bharadwaj as saying.
At a press briefing, AAP leader Saurabh Bharadwaj announced plans to inspect the chief minister’s official residence at 6, Flagstaff Road. He said the visit, set for 11 am, aimed to verify BJP’s claims of a golden commode, swimming pool, and mini bar on the premises.
Bharadwaj emphasized that the residence, along with another government property, was built with taxpayers’ money during the Covid pandemic. He called for an investigation into both properties if there were allegations of fund misappropriation.
At a press briefing prior to the visit, AAP leader Saurabh Bharadwaj announced plans to inspect the chief minister’s official residence at 6, Flagstaff Road. He said the visit, set for 11 am, aimed to verify BJP’s claims of a golden commode, swimming pool, and mini bar on the premises.
Bharadwaj said that the residence, along with another government property, was built with taxpayers’ money during the Covid pandemic. He called for an investigation into both properties if there were allegations of fund misappropriation.
Meanwhile, AAP leaders Sanjay Singh and Saurabh Bharadwaj announced plans to take media also to the prime minister’s residence, which they have criticised as a “Raj Mahal.” The party alleges that the residence was constructed at an exorbitant cost of ₹2,700 crore.
The “Raj Mahal” remark is part of AAP’s broader counterattack, accusing the prime minister of leading a lavish lifestyle.