Congress has announced the first of its guarantees in the national capital ahead of the Delhi Assembly Elections, 2025. It has announced ‘Pyari Didi Yojana’ which will provide Rs 2,500 per month to women. After the successful launch of the guarantee programme in Karnataka, we are launching the ‘Pyari Didi’ scheme in Delhi, said Congress in an X post.
The scheme will benefit the women of Delhi by providing them with financial assistance every month.
Addressing a joint press conference with Delhi Congress president Devender Yadav, Karnataka Deputy CM Shivakumar said, “Today, I am here to launch the ‘Pyari Didi’ scheme. I am confident that Congress will form the government in Delhi and we will provide Rs 2,500 to women, and it will be decided in the very first meeting of cabinet – on the same model that we implemented in Karnataka.”
Shivakumar also said that whatever the party had promised they have delivered. “Whatever we have promised Congress has delivered. Congress’ strength is country’s strength, Congress history is country’s history,” Shivakumar added.
Delhi Congress president Devender Yadav stated that his party has fulfilled all its promises, leading to an increase in people’s faith in the party.
“Be it Karnataka, Telangana, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Rajasthan or Chhattisgarh, whatever promises we made, we have fulfilled them and somewhere because of this people’s faith in Congress is increasing,” Yadav said.
The assembly elections in Delhi are likely to be held in February.