Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan welcomed their son Aryan on November 13, 1997. The young star kid has often shied away from media and likes to keep his distance from social media too. In the past, SRK has spoken a lot about his son and how it has been to be a father.
In various interviews, the actor has mentioned that Aryan has no desire to be on the camera or make a career as an actor. In the light of the star kid’s recent arrest, SRK’s old interviews are resurfacing.
In an interview with Simi Garewal, the Don actor was asked if he is going to spoil his son. He replied, “No, not at all I’ve just told him when he is three or 4 years old he can run after girls, smoke as much as he wants, he can do drugs, he can have sex, he can womanise.”
According to a report in India Today, SRK once said in an interview, “As actors and filmmakers, my kids, in case they wish to come in, they have to bring something new. They can’t live off the stuff their father has managed to do. It’s important they bring in something new and if I impose myself, they won’t be able to.”
Shah Rukh Khan and Aryan worked together The Lion King. At the time the actor spoke about the experience and said, “We had seven-eight days of 8 pm-to-6 am time together. We used to go there at 8 and just jam… He used to play the guitar. There was this amazing set of people helping us with the dubbing, so we had a great time”
In an interaction with Femina in 2017, SRK said, “I believe that a man in his house doesn’t have the right to go shirtless in front of his mother, sister or women friends. I tell Aryan to put on a t-shirt all the time. If you’d feel uncomfortable seeing your mother, daughter, sister, women friends without their clothes on, why would you expect them to accept you shirtless? It’s got nothing to do with having breasts or not—don’t do something a girl can’t do.”
When Shah Rukh Khan sat down with David Letterman for his show My Next Guest Needs No Introduction, he talked about his kids. The actor said, “My son (Aryan) had car sickness so only once in a while would he come to my shooting. They get scared when people surround my car, and my daughter would start crying”
According to a report in Hindustan Times, SRK once said, “He wants to be a filmmaker. We are friends, so I told him to learn whichever aspects of film he can go and learn… The other day I met (famed cinematographer) Ravi Varman, I told him go and learn camera with him. He has been doing that.”
In an episode of Koffee With Karan, SRK told Karan Johar that his son picked up a fight with a girl who insulted the star. He said, “My son feels I am fat. He beat up a girl. First, she called me an ‘a**hole’. He didn’t react. Then she said I looked ugly in Kaun Banega Crorepati but he didn’t react and controlled himself. Finally, when she said, ‘Your father is fat,’ he kicked her,”