The Yogi Government of Uttar Pradesh has selected Ayodhya for launching the pilot project of the state government to promote production of coarse grains, including millets in the state, according to a IANS report.
The state government is planning to spend about Rs 100 crore, as proposed by the agriculture department, to promote production and consumption of coarse grains in the state, according to a spokesperson.
The government wants people to include coarse grains in their daily diet and it is preparing a blueprint to release grants and subsidies for setting up of processing units.
It would also help in achieving the target to double up the farmers’ income since coarse grains require less water for irrigation, while their farm input costs are also economical in comparison to other crops such as wheat and paddy.
The state government is encouraging farmers to cultivate prominent coarse cereals, including maize, jowar, bajra (millets) and jau (barley).
“About 1,200 hectare land has been identified in Ayodhya district in Sohawal and Pura Bazaar areas for the farming purpose. We have started giving technical support to farmers for the farming of coarse grains. The government will also provide quality seeds to them soon,” said Om Prakash Mishra, Deputy Director, Agriculture department.