Indian rapper Yo Yo Honey Singh was recently accused of domestic abuse by his wife of 20 years Shalini Talwar. In her complaint via her advocates, Shalini had claimed that she was treated like a “farm animal” and not just Singh, her in-laws also tortured her emotionally and mentally. While Singh was silent on the matter when the news broke out, he has finally released an official statement on the accusations.
In a social media post, Honey wrote: “I am deeply pained and distressed by the false and malicious allegations levied against me and my family by my companion/wife of 20 years, Mrs Shalini Talwar. The allegations are severely odious.
I have never issued a public statement or press note in the past despite being subjected to harsh criticism for my lyrics, speculation on my health, & negative media coverage in general”
Singh shared that the only reason he is releasing a public statement is because the allegations levied against him, his parents and his sister are cynical and defaming in nature.
“I strongly refute all the allegations but will not comment any further because the matter is sub-judice before the Court of Law. I have full faith in the judicial system of this country, and I am confident that the truth will be out soon,” Singh added.
He concluded his statement by sharing that the Court has given him the opportunity to reply to the allegations filed against him. He urged his fans to not jump to conclusions and wait for the prediction passed by the court.
“I am confident that justice will be served, and honesty will win. As always, I’m grateful for all the love and support of my fans and well-wishers, who inspire me to work hard and make good music,” Singh signed off.
Singh and Shalini tied the knot back in 2011. In her complaint, Shalini claimed that the singer’s attitude changed while they were on their honeymoon and he allegedly pulled her hair and slapped her. She also accused Singh of having “casual sex with multiple women”.
The complaint has been lodged under the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act. Shalini has sought ₹10 crore compensation and also Rs 5 lakh to be paid as rent for a fully furnished apartment in Delhi.