Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Monday opined that the state should not completely rely on supply of oxygen but should also get its own oxygen plants as well. He confirmed that work is underway to set up 300 oxygen plants in the state.
Before stressing that the second COVID wave posed a new challenge before the state, Uttar Pradesh CM thanked the Central government and Prime Minister Narendra Modi for running special trains to overcome the medical oxygen shortage.
While speaking to media, Yogi Adityanath said, “The second COVID wave posed a new challenge before us – the demand for oxygen went up suddenly. We have to supply oxygen to Ayodhya too, from where it is being supplied to nearby districts.”
“We are thankful to the government of India and PM Modi who are running special trains for this,” he added
He went on to confirm that ‘Oxygen Express’ is being run and tankers are being sent on large aircraft of the Indian Air Force.
“Yesterday, we supplied 1000 MT of oxygen in the state. But it shouldn’t remain restricted to supply. Oxygen Plants should be established too. Work is underway to set up 300 Oxygen Plants in the state,” said Adityanath.
The UP CM also announced, “We have also provided Oxygen concentrators to all districts. In the first phase, all districts have been provided the same. More concentrators will also be provided.”
Meanwhile, Uttar Pradesh yesterday registered 298 deaths due to COVID-19 while 26,847 more people tested positive for the infection, pushing the state’s virus tally to 14,80,315. So far, the infection has claimed 15,170 lives in the state.