Tripti Dimri has become one of the most bankable actors of 2024 after her film ‘Bhool Bhulaiya 3’ became a mega hit. While her professional life is part of every discussion, Tripti’s personal life has also caught people’s interest. The curiosity further escalated after the ‘Animal’ actor was recently spotted on a bike ride with rumoured boyfriend Sam Merchant. The pictures and videos from last night see Tripti trying to hide her face with a mask Sam.
For the unversed, this is not the first time that the two have been captured by paps, hanging out together. After parting ways with Anushka Sharma’s brother, Karnesh, in December 2022, Tripti was spotted at various places with Sam Merchant, however none of the two have officially spoken about it.
Who is Sam Merchant?
Sam was earlier a popular name in the modelling world and had also won events like ‘The Gladrags Manhunt Contest’ in 2002. He has now become a full-time businessman, investing all of his time in the hospitality industry, establishing many luxury beach clubs and hotels in Goa. He is also the founder of ‘Casawaters’ and ‘avouregoa’, which are villas and farms in Goa.
Sam Merchant, Tripti Dimri spotted!
Tripti Dimri was recently spotted with her alleged boyfriend, Sam Merchant, whose pictures are becoming a sensation online.
They were also spotted together on a boat having a gala time for their friend’s birthday party, which added fuel to the rumours. They were seen in a vacation mood, wearing funky outfits.
Mumbai Police Raises Objection
After the video of Sam and Tripti went a viral, people pointed out that latter was not wearing a helmet. Sharing the same, an X user wrote, “TriptiDimri #Bollywood actress on bike without helmet Rider & pillion both are not wearing helmet for safety at Bandra Linking Rd opp. National college, despite GR by Police compulsory Helmet safety. Pls take action with a fine .”
The tweet caught attention of Mumbai police, who replied to it and assured strict action. “We are sharing your concern with Bandra Traffic Division for necessary action,” read the comment from Mumbai Traffic Police’s official page.