Aryan Khan, the eldest son of legendary Indian actor Shah Rukh Khan, usually stays out of the spotlight but recently made headlines when he was spotted heading to a New Year’s event. He was spotted with his rumoured girlfriend, Larissa Bonesi. Videos of their outing have created quite a buzz, though neither of them has commented on the relationship rumours yet.
A fun video of the two from the party has taken off online. Let’s dive in and get to know more about Larissa Bonesi.
Who is Larissa Bonesi?
Larissa Bonesi, born on March 28, 1990, in Brazil, has made a notable impact in the Indian entertainment industry. As an actress and model, she has showcased her talent in several Hindi and Telugu films.
Some of her popular movies include Go Goa Gone, where she starred alongside Saif Ali Khan, and the action-comedy Thikka, featuring Sai Dharam Tej. In addition to her acting career, Larissa has excelled as a model, appearing in advertising campaigns for renowned brands such as Olay, Lancôme, and Levi’s.
Recently, Larissa shared a playful photo from an airport, where she was seen enjoying a cup of coffee with a mystery man. In the caption, she asked her followers to guess their destination, later revealing it to be Hyderabad. The post quickly caught fans’ attention on social media, sparking speculation that she might be hinting at a relationship with Aryan.
Larissa Bonesi and Aryan Khan haven’t said anything official about whether they are dating, but their activity on social media and the times they’ve been seen together have left fans curious about their relationship. As speculation grows, many are looking forward to hearing any confirmed news about this interesting celebrity couple.