Sunny Leone made her debut in Bollywood with Pooja Bhatt’s directorial Jism 2. Written by Mahesh Bhatt and Shagufta Rafique, the film attracted attention of cine goers and become quite the talk of the town. Sunny, who had made a switch from adult films to mainstream cinema, essayed the lead role and she managed to carve a special space for herself in the industry.
In an interview back in 2015, Sunny had opened up about her Bollywood debut and her image as an adult film star.
As she celebrates her 40th birthday today, we look back interview where Sunny talked about her transition from adult films to silver screen.
Talking about her switch, Sunny was asked if she wants to shed her image as an adult film star. The actress who shared she cannot change her past told HT city, “I don’t know about shedding any image because I can’t do that. It’s not in my hands. All I can do is be myself, work hard and hopefully make better movies and become a better actress. So when people see me playing different roles onscreen, their perception will automatically change.”
She further emphasized that her past has made her who she is today and she’s not ashamed of it. She added that her journey so far in mainstream films has not been an easy one but she is living her dream working with the likes of Bhatts.
“This is my journey, my true story. I actually went through a lot of creepy things to get where I am today. But it doesn’t mean that I am not strong. I have the strength to survive the punches and attacks directed towards me. I am a fighter. I can survive all the negativity around me,” Sunny had said.
Over the years, in the industry, she has opened up about body positivity and slammed trolls for body shaming. Sunny, with her confidence, has managed to wow B-town enthusiasts.