Popular Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar is known for his prowess in creating absolute magic on screen. Apart from that, he has also acted as the godfather to a bunch of star kids, introducing them to the world through his work. From Alia Bhatt and Ananya Panday to Janhvi Kapoor and Varun Dhawan, kids of popular Bollywood celebrities have enjoyed the perks of being launched by an industry expert like him.
Be that as it may, it’s clear that Karan has a particularly soft spot for Alia Bhatt, having taken her under his wing and giving her a significant break with SOTY. Did you know, though, that the filmmaker had a falling out with Alia’s father, Mahesh Bhatt? Johar has previously blamed Bhatt for causing his father, Yash Johar, pain.
In an old interview from 1998, Karan Johar revealed his displeasure with director Mahesh Bhatt. Karan claimed that he was disappointed with the director of Lahu Ke Do Rang’s efforts on the film Duplicate. For the uninitiated, the film duplicate, starring Shah Rukh Khan, Juhi Chawla, and Sonali Bendre, was produced by Dharma Productions, which was helmed by Karan’s father Yash Johar at the time.
IKaran Johar discussed the film in the same interview, saying, “I had nothing to do with it. In fact, I deliberately and consciously stayed away from it. The film was completed only because of the commitment of one man: Shah Rukh Khan. Everything else was wrong with it.” He went on taking a jibe at Mahesh Bhatt and said, “This is not the way to make a film and I am sad that my father had to go through with the pain and the despair of making such a film in which the director had no interest beyond cursory.”
Dubbing Mahesh Bhatt as a “careless director”, Karan said, “He was careless and took virtually no interest in the making of the film. If it was not for Shah Rukh and the way he took charge of the film, it would never have been completed”.
It should be noted, however, that Karan and Mahesh are currently on good terms!
On the professional front, Karan Johar has Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani, in the pipeline. The film is all set to feature an ensemble cast including Bollywood biggies like Ranveer Singh, Alia Bhatt, Jaya Bachchan, Dharmendra, and Shabana Azmi.