Bollywood’s power couple Gauri Khan and Shah Rukh Khan never allowed religion to become a matter of concern in their relationship. Gauri is a Hindu by birth while SRK is a Muslim. The couple has been married for the last 30 years blessed with 3 children – Aryan, Suhana and AbRam. And although the family goes by the ‘Khan’ surname, they believe in secualrism and worship all Gods with equal respect. They not only celebrate Eid but also celebrate Diwali, Ganesh Chatuthi and all the other festivals with equal amount of love and enthusiasm.
However, back in 2004, when Gauri was asked to comment on how is the inter-caste marriage impacting their children, she had quipped that she feels Aryan might grow up to practice SRK’s religion since he’s so “into him.”
When Gauri Khan had appeared on Koffee With Karan season 1, she was asked about the difference in her and Shah Rukh Khan’s religion. That’s when Gauri had said, “Shah Rukh, he doesn’t have parents, unfortunately. If they were there, the elderly people in the house, they would have taken care. But, it’s nothing like that in our house. It’s me who takes charge be it Diwali or Holi or any festival. So that’s why influence of my kids would be a lot with the Hindu part of the … but the thing is that, Aryan is so into Shah Rukh that he would follow his religion, I feel. He would always say ‘I am a Muslim’. When he tells this to my mother, she gets, ‘what do you mean?’.”
In the same interaction, Gauri had also commented on not converting to Muslim. “There is a balance, I respect Shah Rukh’s religion but that doesn’t mean that I would convert and become a Muslim. I don’t believe in that. I think everybody is an individual and follow their religion. But, obviously there should be no disrespect. Like Shah Rukh would not disrespect my religion as well”, she had said.
Shah Rukh too has time and again gone on record to say how they have taught their children that their religion is ‘Hindustani (Indian)’ and not defined as Hindu or Muslim. “In school, you know how we have to fill out forms and they ask for religion? When my daughter was young, she asked me what religion we belong to and I told her that we are Indians and have no religion”, he had said in one of his interviews.