Singer Sona Mohapatra recently shared her thoughts on Aishwarya Rai’s transformation after winning the Miss World title. In an interview with Love Lingo for their YouTube channel, Sona recalled her first encounter with Aishwarya before she became a global icon. According to Sona, the actor’s demeanor seemed to change as her career progressed, particularly in interviews.
“I remember seeing her in interviews and thinking, ‘This isn’t the Aishwarya I saw.’ She was intelligent and eloquent, but the industry might have compelled her to tone down,” Sona remarked. She suggested that the pressures of the entertainment world might have influenced Aishwarya’s behavior, although she admitted she could be wrong.
Sona Mohapatra On Independence And Helplessness
During the conversation, Sona also discussed the concept of “helplessness” in society. The singer, known for her strong opinions, mentioned how being perceived as “a little helpless” can sometimes help people fit into societal systems. She added, “Helplessness, in general, is gender-free.”
Sona emphasized her own commitment to independence, saying, “I work 18 hours a day to stay independent and not under anybody’s thumb.”
Aishwarya Rai’s Early Life
Aishwarya Rai initially aspired to become an architect and joined the Rachana Sansad Academy of Architecture. However, she shifted her focus to modeling, which eventually led to her being crowned Miss World in 1994. Her acting career began in 1997 with Mani Ratnam’s Tamil film Iruvar, followed by her Bollywood debut in Aur Pyaar Ho Gaya the same year.
Over the years, Aishwarya has starred in numerous critically acclaimed films. Her most recent role was in Ponniyin Selvan: II (2023), which showcased her enduring popularity in the film industry.
Sona’s comments shed light on the nuanced pressures faced by public figures like Aishwarya Rai. While reflecting on the actor’s career, Sona acknowledged Aishwarya’s intelligence and adaptability, even as she questioned the compromises demanded by the industry.