Indian pacer Jasprit Bumrah was roped in for a candid interview by Dinesh Karthik amid the high-profile Test series between India and hosts England. Lifting the lid on the verbal altercation between players of both teams in the Lord’s Test, Bumrah recalled his on-field duel with England pacer James Anderson. Senior pacer Anderson had alleged that Bumrah was not bowling as “quick as he normally does” during the England batsman’s stay at the crease in the 2nd Test match.
Before Indian skipper Virat Kohli and pacer Anderson exchanged verbal volleys on Day 4 of the Lord’s Test, the England fast bowler had to survive a bouncer barrage from speed merchant Bumrah in the 1st innings at the Home of Cricket. Later, Bumrah was involved in a heated argument with Anderson when players were heading back to the pavilion.
Speaking to Sky Sports ahead of the 3rd Test at Headingley, Karthik spoke to Bumrah and the duo reminisced about the intense battle between the two premier fast bowlers. “As soon as the game got over and the day got over, some of the words were exchanged and we were really not happy. The exchanges were not pleasant. When I heard what was said, I really got riled up. Because if something comes up…I’ll give it 10 times up,” Bumrah told Karthik during the interaction.
Bumrah’s remarks have come after Anderson opened up about the Indian pacer’s bouncer barrage in the Lord’s Test match. Anderson had opined that Bumrah wasn’t trying to get the England tailender out in the 2nd Test match. “He bowled an over, maybe 10, 11, 12 balls (10). He was bowling no-ball after no-ball, bowling short. I think he bowled two on the stumps which I managed to dig out,” Anderson said on the BBC Tailenders Podcast.
Bumrah and Mohammed Shami’s all-round show had guided Team India to a memorable win over England in the 2nd Test. Kohli and Co. thrashed England by 151 runs to take 1-0 lead in the five-match series.