Bollywood actor Aamir Khan is enjoying his time in Kashmir. The Laal Singh Chaddha star is also accompanied by filmmaker Raj Kumar Hirani and the two met Lieutenant Governor of Jammu and Kashmir Manoj Sinha earlier today, to launch a new film policy in the Union Territory. It is worth mentioning that Aamir’s trip to Jammu and Kashmir came just a few days after the former couple announced their separation in July 2021.
Several pictures of Aamir attending the launch event have gone viral on social media. In one of the video clips, the 3 Idiots hitmaker can be seen giving a speech on the stage. The actor described his stay experience in J&K. Aamir who is on cordial terms with Kiran, went on to share that both of their families are staying together under one roof in Jammu and Kashmir.
In his speech, Aamir talked about his lovely stay over there. The actor heaped praises for its hospitality. “Jitni khoobsurt jagah Kashmir hai utne hi khoobsurat yahan ke log. Aur jab se hum aayen hai yahan par, humara poora parivar yahan par hai. Humari ammi, behene aayi hai. Kiran ke parents aayen hai. Itni mohabbat aur itna pyaar hume yahan mil raha hai. Dil kaega ki baar baar hum yahan aayen,” Aamir said.
News agency ANI shared a series of photos featuring Aamir and Hirani, and tweeted, “Jammu & Kashmir Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha, actor Aamir Khan, film director Rajkumar Hirani, and other dignitaries attend J&K’s New Film Policy launch event in Srinagar.”
Earlier, Lieutenant Governor of Jammu and Kashmir Manoj Sinha had tweeted about his meeting with Aamir and Kiran. “Met renowned film actor Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao today. We discussed new film policy of J&K, which will be released shortly. The discussion also focused on reviving J&K glory in Bollywood and making it a favourite film shooting destination,” his tweet read.
Days before the launch event, a delegation of leading filmmakers including Imtiaz Ali, Nitesh Tiwari, Dinesh Vijan, Ekta Kapoor, Ashwiny Iyer, Sanjay Tripathy, led by producer Mahaveer Jain met J-K Lt Gov Sinha and principal secretary to the Lt Gov Mr Nitishwar in Mumbai and shared their suggestions to draft this new film policy to encourage film-shooting there.