Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma were spotted together in Vrindavan Ashram as they visited Radhavallabh Lal Ji. Earlier the couple also went to get blessings of Premanandji Maharaj. Virat had a poor show in Border-Gavaskar Trophy 2024-25 after which he came back to India and straight away went to visit Premanandji Maharaj.
Recently the video of power couple emerged where they were seeking blessings from Radhavallabh Lal Ji. Both Anushka and Virat have been seen seeking blessings whether it is in India or abroad.
Fans have taken the internet by a storm and expressed their opinion on Virat’s recent spiritual visits. Some have openly showcased their displeasure and called it as a PR Stunt.
Currently both Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli are under tight scrutiny after poor show in BGT and both of them have been urged to play domestic cricket in order to regain their form.