Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami was seen riding a bike and urging people to vote in Tuesday’s bypoll election that will determine his fate. While Dhami had steered the BJP to a big victory in the February elections, he had lost from Khatima – a seat he had won twice since 2012. The CM must win from Champawat to make it to the state assembly as an MLA – a constitutional requirement for him to retain his post. The seat had gone to the BJP in the state assembly polls.
Tuesday’s bypoll will determine the fate of four candidates including Dhami. The BJP leader is pitted against Congress’ former district president Nirmala Gehtori in a straight contest. Two others in the fray are Samajwadi Party’s Manoj Kumar Bhatt and Independent candidate Himashu Gadkoti. A total of 96,213 voters will cast their votes tomorrow.
Visuals shared by news agency ANI on Monday showed the bike-borne CM interacting with locals as another individual rides pillion.
With the BJP choosing to retain Dhami as the Chief Minister, Champawat’s sitting MLA Kailash Gehtori had offered to offer to vacate his seat for the CM. Keeping his word, he resigned as an MLA from Champawat on April 21 to pave the way for the chief minister to make a fresh bid for the state assembly. Analysts attribute his initial loss from Khatima to an inability to focus on his own constituency, as he was preoccupied with the party’s overall performance as its chief ministerial face.
“We are confident of a big victory in Champawat. Congress will lose its deposits. People in Champawat are wise enough to understand that the bypoll is for the election of a chief minister, not only an MLA,” Pradesh BJP spokesman Shadab Shams, who offered a Chadar in Piran Kaliyar Sharief praying for Dhami’s victory.