The Jammu and Kashmir Police have apprehended two overground workers associated with the Pakistan-based terror group Jaish-e-Mohammed. The arrests took place in Kathua, a district within the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir.
The detained individuals, identified as Liaqat and Raj, are allegedly connected to the recent terror attack on an Indian Army bus in Kathua on July 8. This attack resulted in the deaths of five soldiers and left several others injured. The suspects are accused of providing logistical support to the terrorists, including arranging food and facilitating communication with their handlers in Pakistan.
The police are currently interrogating the arrested individuals to gather further information. In response to the recent violence and as a precautionary measure, Army schools within defense installations in Jammu have been ordered to close for the next two days to prevent any potential incidents.
Additionally, a high alert has been issued for Army camps and other defense installations across the Union Territory. This step aims to ensure heightened security and prevent any further attacks following the recent escalation.