Bollywood actress Triptii Dimari has been sharing her pictures on social media as she is seen soaking in the winter magic in Rovaniemi, Finland. Sharing glimpses from their now snowy escapade, Triptii posted pictures, videos, and selfies capturing the frosty landscapes. In a clip of her walking on snow, she expressed her delight, writing, ” Blessed to have witnessed the snowfall. “Dressed in stylish black and red winter wear, she radiated warmth amidst the icy surroundings.
Sam also shared his excitement, posting videos of the picturesque view from their stay and marveling at his first experience of snow with a snowflake emoji. He documented the chilly -8-degree Celsius temperature and shredded snapshots of their meals, featuring fish, Currie, and noodles. Adding to the magic, Sam posted photos of the stunning northern lights, a highlight of their Finnish adventure.
It can be seen that both of them shared the pictures and videos on social media of the same place and there have been speculations for both of them dating. The rumored couple’s getaway in Rovaniemi is the perfect celebration of winter, offering fans a glimpse of their cozy and picturesque holiday.
Past Relationships
Triptii was rumored to be dating Anushka Sharma’s brother, Karnesh Sharma which the couple never confirmed. She has been associated with many other celebrities in past but never confirmed her relationship with anyone.
Triptii’s recent work
Triptii was last seen in Bhool Bahuliya 3, a massive box-office hit that also featured Kartik Aaryan, Vidya Balan, Madhuri Dixit Nene, and Rajpal Yadav. Directed by Anees Bazmee, the film continued the legacy of the horror-comedy franchise, keeping the audience thoroughly entertained.