A day after two-time Olympic medallist Sushil Kumar’s arms license was suspended by the Delhi Police, the wrestling icon was produced in a court amid the ongoing probe into the murder case of wrestler Sagar Rana on Wednesday. One of the most decorated wrestlers in the history of sports fraternity, Sushil was earlier arrested by the Delhi Police for his alleged involvement in the murder case of wrestler Sagar.
Accused in the murder case of wrestler Sagar, the two-time Olympic medallist was produced in a Delhi Court on Wednesday. As per the latest developments, the Delhi Police is reportedly seeking 3-day custody of Sushil to continue their investigation. The troubled wrestler who is still India’s only world champion (2010) in the history of the popular sport was produced before Rohini Court in the afternoon.
The wrestler was reportedly produced before the court following the expiry of his four days remand which was earlier approved on May 29. According to a report filed by the Indian Express, the Delhi Police is seeking further custody of the wrestler amid the ongoing investigation in the murder case. As per the report, Additional Public Prosecutor Atul Srivastava told Metropolitan Magistrate Rashmi Gupta that cops have retrieved one router and collected a video in the form of evidence.
The AP also informed the court that the camera installed around Chhatrasal Stadium has been destroyed. “He (Sushil) was the in-charge of everything there. DVR has not been recovered. The mobile phone has to be recovered. It is clearly visible from naked eyes that he was carrying a danda. That danda has not been recovered. The clothes he was wearing have not been recovered,” the APP reportedly told the Delhi Court on Wednesday. In their application about the extension of Sushil’s custody, the Delhi Police has stated that the death of the 23-year-old wrestler was a ‘cold-blooded murder’.