Pooja Hegde, who tested positive for COVID-19 last month, is recovering well. The actress has been posting frequent updates on social media about how she spends her time in isolation. In one of her recent Instagram Stories, Pooja informed fans about a new skill that she has picked up while quarantining. No, it is not a culinary or artistic skill as you may have imagined. It is, in fact, the skill of lifting one eyebrow. In a series of video clips, the ‘Duvvada Jagannadham‘ actress proudly showed off how she can now lift one eyebrow efficiently. The caption said, “Does this count as learning a new skill? #quarantinelife.” In the next post, she clarified, “Just kidding…will go read a book or something after this.” Pooja’s outfit of the day was a white jacket over a black floral top.
On April 25, the 30-year-old had informed everyone on social media that she had contracted coronavirus. Pooja released a statement that read, “Hello everyone. This is to inform you all that I have tested positive for Covid-19. Following all the protocols I have isolated, and home-quarantined myself.”
After receiving an overwhelming response from her fans, she tweeted the next day, “Thank you for all the love and healing wishes you have showered me with. I am doing good and have mild symptoms. You make me smile. Love you.”
In a previous Instagram post, Pooja gave us a glimpse of how she has been dealing with her infection with a positive frame of mind. The actress shared a picture of herself, enjoying a homemade chocolate cake. In the note alongside she added, “Recovering mornings. #happypuppy.” Pooja looked pretty in a no-makeup look, mustard chequered shirt and her hair tied in a simple top bun
Pooja recently also wished her colleague Allu Arjun, who tested positive for COVID-19, a speedy recovery. While wishing her ‘Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo‘ co-star, she cheekily used their character names from the movie and wrote, “Bantu seems to be giving Amulya company. Take care, Allu Arjun. Sending you some healing light and energy. You’ll be healthy in no time.
Pooja will be next seen opposite Prabhas in Radha Krishna Kumar’s romantic drama, ‘Radhe Shyam’. Some of her upcoming projects include ‘Most Eligible Bachelor’, ‘Cirkus‘ and ‘Thalapathy 65‘, among others.