The news of Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan being stabbed by an unknown intruder at his home sent shock waves to his family, fans, and well-wishers. The actor is currently doing well, according to the doctors at Lilavati Hospital. Among many celebrities and politicians, Shatrughan Sinha has also come forward to show his support towards Saif Ali Khan and asked people not to play the ‘blame game’.
He wrote on X, “Very sad & unfortunate the tragic attack on our near, dear & loved #SaifAliKhan which injured him severely. Thank God he is healing well to recovery. Profound regards to my all time favorite ‘show man’ filmmaker #RajKapoor’s granddaughter #KareenaKapoorKhan & the family. One humble appeal please stop the ‘blame game’, police are doing their job well. We certainly appreciate our CM & HM, Maharashtra @Dev_Fadnavis for his concern & remedial measures. Let’s not complicate the matter further. The matter will be solved soon, sooner the better. Thanks to Depty CMs @AjitPawarSpeaks & our friend @mieknathshinde for their kind words, extreme care & efforts. After all Saif is one of the most brilliant star/actor & also both a Padmashri & National Award winner. Law will take it’s own course as things are moving in the right direction. Get well soon.”
Earlier, while addressing the media to talk about Saif Ali Khan’s health, Dr Nitin Dange, Chief Neurosurgeon at Lilavati Hospital Mumbai, said, “Saif Ali Khan is better now. We made him walk, and he walked well. Looking at his parameters, his wounds and all the other injuries, he is safe to be shifted out of the ICU. He has to take several precautions. He has to take rest and his movement has been restricted for a week.”
Calling the actor ‘hero’, Niraj Uttamani, Chief Operating Officer of Lilavati Hospital, added, “Saif Ali Khan is a real hero. He is doing well. He has been shifted from ICU to a normal room.”
“He is very fortunate. If a knife was 2 mm deeper, he would have sustained a serious injury,” he revealed.
In a recent development, Mumbai Police have arrested the prime accused, Vijay Das, in connection with the Saif Ali Khan stabbing case. Das, who has been identified as 30-year-old Mohammad Shariful Islam Shehzad, confessed to the crime. Police have seized his belongings, which suggest that he is a Bangladeshi national. DCP Zone 9 Dixit Gedam confirmed the arrest and identification of the accused. Police also revealed that the accused used multiple names, including Vijay Das, Bijoy Das, and Mohammed Iliyas.