Congress leader Shashi Tharoor, who filed his nomination for the post of Congress president on Friday, landed in hot waters after his manifesto features a map blunder. The map of India used in his manifesto omitted parts of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh.
Picture shared on social media showed a distorted map of India, where parts of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh were omitted. The distorted map featured in his manifesto booklet with the tagline ‘Think Tomorrow, Think Tharoor’.
Tharoor, who has a massive following of 8 million on Twitter, drew a lot of flak from netizens who accused him of being “divisive” and called him “shameless”.
Soon after the goof-up was highlighted and slammed by many Twitter users, Tharoor’s office made correction to their manifesto for the election.
Repeat offender?
This is not the first time that Tharoor has made such a blunder as earlier in 2019, the Congress leader was heavily trolled for making a similar goof-up. While tweeting about his participation in a rally at Kozhikode against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act and National Register of Citizens (NRC), Tharoor used a map showing India without its northern-most territory.
Shashi Tharoor vs Mallikarjun Kharge
Tharoor, who filed his nomination today, will be contesting against veteran leader and Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha Mallikarjun Kharge. The third candidate for the post is former Jharkhand minister KN Tripathi. The election for Congress president post will be held on October 17 and results will be declared two days later.
After filing his nomination, Tharoor tweeted, “I have just submitted my nomination papers as a candidate for the presidential election of @incindia. It is a privilege to serve the only party in India with an open democratic process to choose its leader. Greatly appreciate Soniaji’s guidance and vision.”