Ever since Shah Rukh Khan confirmed that Nayanthara will be seen alongside him in Jawan, fans have been eagerly waiting for fresh updates about the movie, which is being directed by Atlee. The actress was papped at the Mumbai airport recently and we cannot stop crushing over her latest look.
When spotted by the shutterbugs, Nayanthara was seen wearing a black tank top, paired with matching ripped jeans and a cropped jacket. She amped up her look with nude pumps. Pulling her hair back in a bun, the actress had her face covered with a mask.
Jawan will mark Nayanthara’s first collaboration with Shah Rukh Khan. Last month, SRK had treated fans to a teaser of the movie. He had captioned his post, “An action-packed 2023!! Bringing #Jawan to you, an explosive entertainer in cinemas 2nd June 2023. In Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada.”
Talking about the film in an Instagram LIVE, Shah Rukh had said, “There is not much I can tell you about Jawan except the fact that I am having a great time as an actor. And Atlee, the director, it is a different kind of film. Everybody has seen his work. He makes outstanding mass oriented films, again a genre I have never done. So, I wanted to try my hands on it. And I think me and Atlee have good chemistry.”
Meanwhile, Nayanthara has also been making headlines for her unmissable honeymoon photos with her hubby Vignesh Shivan. The lovebirds got married on June 9 after dating each other for a long time. The couple went to Thailand for their honeymoon. Vignesh has been constantly dropping cuddly photos with his wifey on the gram.