Former India cricketer Harbhajan Singh, alongside league director Shivain Sharma on Monday unveiled the revolutionary WTCL T10 concept at a press conference held in New Delhi.
Cricketing legend Harbhajan Singh highlighted the league’s potential to create a new category of sports entertainment by blending the skill and precision of tennis with the strategy and excitement of cricket.
Speaking at the event, Harbhajan Singh said, “Throughout my career, I have always believed in pushing the boundaries of sport, and the World Tennis Cricket League is a testament to that philosophy. This league represents a bold new vision that pushes cricket to newer depths, and I am confident it will captivate sports fans across the world. As the Brand Ambassador for WTCL T10, I am proud to be associated with a project that promises to redefine sports on a global scale.”
Harbhajan Singh also extended his congratulations to Jay Shah on his new leadership role at the ICC, saying, “I would like to congratulate Jay Shah for his leadership at the ICC. His vision for the future of cricket is shaping the game at a global level, and I believe his efforts will continue to elevate cricket’s impact, not only in larger nations but also in smaller, emerging cricket markets.”
Shivain Sharma, league director, added, “WTCL T10 represents a revolutionary step in sports entertainment. By combining two beloved sports into one exciting format, we aim to capture audiences worldwide and create a unique spectacle.”
The WTCL T10 format revolutionizes sports by combining tennis scoring with cricket’s T10 dynamics in a unique match format. This unique combination requires strategic player selection, merging the best elements of both sports to create an entirely new category of sports entertainment.