After Bollywood actor Arjun Kapoor came across a news report that questioned the source of his ladylove Malaika Arora’s wealth, he shared a long note on his Insta stories to slam the portal. As the portal had compared his wealth with his girlfriend’s wealth in an article, he expressed disappointment over the choice of headline and its content. He deleted the post later.
Arjun’s post read, “It’s sad & shameful to read a daft headline like this is 2021. Of course she earns well & has worked for so many years to be in a place not be compared to anyone let alone me. (sic)”
Arjun and Malaika have been dating each other since 2019. The two made their relationship public through a social media post in 2019. On birthdays and special occasions, they share loved-up posts online to express their affection and admiration for each other.
Earlier, in an interview, Arjun spoke about Malaika and called her ‘dignified’. While talking about her tough journey in showbiz, he told HT, “The way she has conducted her way through life from being a woman who started working at the age of 20 to today, being an independent woman with her own personality. I have never seen her complain. I have never seen her harbour any negativity. I have never seen her trying to change the narrative about things. She just believed in keeping her head down with dignity and letting her work do the talking and leading a life that allows her to be happy.”
Arjun and Malaika often travel together and set major couple goals. They travelled together to Dharamshala, Goa and a few other places. Photos of their vacay made waves on the internet back then.
On the work front, Arjun was last seen in Sardar Ka Grandson as Amreek Singh. The film was directed by Kaashvie Nair and produced by Bhushan Kumar, Divya Khosla Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Monisha Advani, Madhu Bhojwani, Nikkhil Advani and John Abraham. The film also features Neena Gupta and Rakul Preet Singh in lead roles.
Next, the actor will be seen in Bhoot Police, which is directed by Pavan Kirpalani and produced by Ramesh Taurani and Akshai Puri. The film stars Saif Ali Khan, Jacqueline Fernandez, Yami Gautam and Javed Jaffrey along with Arjun. It will release on September 17 on Disney+ Hotstar.