Dismissing Tata Power’s plea against the award of Rs 7,000-crore transmission contract on a nomination basis to Adani Electricity, the Supreme Court upheld the Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission’s (MERC) decision on giving the contract.
The top court also upheld an order passed by the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity (Aptel) on February 18 that ruled that MERC’s decision to choose the RTM (regulate tariff mode) route under Section 62 of the Electricity Act 2003 to award the contract cannot be termed as “incorrect, perverse or inappropriate”.
The MERC had in March 2021 awarded the Rs 7,000 contract to Adani Electricity which was questioned by Tata Power as to how such a huge infrastructure project could be given without following the process of tariff based competitive bidding (TBCB) and by “excluding other developers”.
Tata Power in its plea had said that the Aptel’s order was perverse and therefore liable to be set aside.
The Rs 7,000-crore transmission contract is for a 1,000-MW high-voltage direct current (HVDC) link between the 400 KV Kudus and 220 KV Aarey EHV stations.
The apex court also spoke on whether an infrastructure project this big can be awarded on a nomination basis under Section 62 by departing from competitive bidding provided under Section 63. It said that the Act offers enough flexibility to states to regulate the intra-state transmission systems, wherein the state commissions have the power to determine and regulate tariff.
Besides, the 2003 Act or the policy framework, particularly National Tariff Policy 2016 read with the Maharashtra government’s resolution (GR) of January 4, 2019, did not make it binding upon MERC to allot the HVDC project only through the TBCB route, Economic Times quoted the apex as saying. The top court ruled that the decision was in line with directions of empowered committee.
“MERC and Aptel have arrived at concurrent findings that the 1000MW HVDC Aarey-Kudus project is an ‘existing project’ for the purpose of the applicability of the GoM’s GR 2019,” the judgment said. “This court deciding a statutory appeal cannot interfere with the concurrent findings on a question of fact. Nonetheless, even on an independent assessment of the facts, the HVDC project is an existing project.”
The court further said that even if the HVDC project were to be considered a ‘new project,’ the MERC’s decision cannot be challenged as it is an independent body with statutory powers to determine and regulate tariff.
While pronouncing its judgment, the SC bench comprising CJI DY Chandrachud, Justice AS Bopanna and Justice JB Pardiwala also asked all State Electricity Regulatory Commissions to frame regulations on terms and conditions for determination of tariff within three months.