Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) leader and Bihar minister Tej Pratap Yadav accused party colleague and RJD national general secretary Shyam Rajak of misbehaving with him. He further demanded that Rajak should be thrown out of the party. “Shyam Rajak (RJD national general secretary) abused me, my personal assistant and my sister today when I asked him about the meeting schedule. I have an audio recording and I’ll put it on my social media. Such BJP-RSS people should be thrown out of the organisation,” said Tej Pratap Yadav.
In response to Tej Pratap Yadav’s accusation, Shyam Rajak said that ‘he cannot say anything because he is a Dalit.’ ” I’ve no comments to make on it. He is saying what he wants to say because he is powerful, I am a Dalit man, cannot say anything,” said Shyam Rajak.
Notably, RJD held its National Executive meeting at NDMC Convention Centre in New Delhi today. The meeting, which was attended by office bearers from 24 states, and around 3,000 RJD workers and leaders, held significance in terms of planning and strategising for the 2024 General Elections.
“We are fighting a big battle of 2024. There should be no attempt to dilute the agenda. It is not a question of my choice and your choice but a question of choice to save the country and democracy. Together we will defeat the forces that broke the country,” said Bihar Deputy Chief Minister and RJD leader Tejashwi Yadav.
“Promote unity and brotherhood, BJP will die by itself,” read the message by RJD chief Lalu Prasad Yadav during the meeting.