Bollywood actress Rimi Sen has worked in many films like Golmaal, Hungama, Baghban, and Dhoom. The actress recently filed a police case against a business man in Goregaon after he allegedly defrauded her of Rs 4.14 crore.
The businessman accused, persuaded her with a promise of 28-30% profits and made her deposit Rs 4.14 crore in a new business venture through her film production company. Rimi claims that she neither received the principle nor the anticipated profit was returned to her. She also added that the businessman stopped communicating with her since then.
The 40-year-old actress also shared that the fraud began in 2019 when she had met the accused Ronak Jatin Vyas at a gym in Andheri. He had convinced Rimi that he was involved in investments through his family’s company, Fomingo Beverages.
The police officer said, “When they became friendly, he approached her and offered 28-30% returns if she invested in his new business venture.”
Rimi talked with her business partner over the offer before agreeing to work with Ronak through her production company. According to the officer, the accused had given Rimi a cheque for Rs 3.50 crore as security at that time.
The actress had deposited a total of Rs 1 crore to Ronak’s company between February and July 2019. The accused had guaranteed Rimi 40 percent profits on her future investments after receiving the funds. Rimi had transferred another Rs 3.14 crore in between October 2019 and November 2020.
When Rimi did not receive the returns promised within the time frame, she questioned Ronak, who started giving her excuses. In March 2020, the actress followed up the situation with Ronak, and he transferred a sum of Rs 3 lakh to her company’s account but did not pay any more money.
Rimi, further, deposited a cheque worth Rs 3.50 crore that Ronak had given to her as security. However, she discovered that the bank account has been locked. The actress, later, got to know that Vyas never launched a business firm and reported the same to the police.
The Khar police filed a FIR on Tuesday against Ronak, charging him with defraud and criminal breach of trust. Ronak is out of reach as his phone numbers are inactive.