The much-awaited Telugu thriller Pothugadda, featuring Raksha Veeran in a gripping role, is finally set to release on OTT platforms. If you’re a fan of suspense and crime thrillers, mark your calendar because this one promises to deliver intense moments and edge-of-the-seat excitement.
Set against a dark, tense backdrop, Pothugadda follows the story of a mysterious crime that leaves a community shaken. Raksha Veeran plays a pivotal role in unraveling a complex web of secrets and lies, drawing the audience into a maze of suspense, twists, and turns. The movie’s thrilling storyline promises a perfect blend of drama and mystery that will keep viewers hooked until the very end.
When & Where Can You Watch It?
Pothugadda will be available for streaming from January 30 onwards on ETV Win. The release date is perfect for a weekend binge-watch, offering a roller-coaster of emotions that will keep you glued to your screen. Whether you’re at home or on the go, make sure you don’t miss out on this thrilling ride.
A Must Watch Thriller
With its imminent OTT release, Pothugadda is set to captivate audiences and become the talk of the town. If you’re craving a gripping thriller, don’t miss this one. Get ready to experience a whirlwind of suspense, drama, and twists that will have you hooked till the final frame.