Prime Minister Narendra Modi is slated to inaugurate the multi-crore Kashi Vishwanath corridor in poll-bound Uttar Pradesh on December 13. A large number of seers and sages are also expected to attend the programme in Varanasi.
The Rs 800 crore corridor project has been designed by Bhimtal Patel, the architect behind the proposed Central Vista redevelopment project.
This corridor will shorten the distance and set a direct link between the temple and the Ganga river.
Phase 1 of the project, which will cover the temple precincts, will be opened to the public following the inauguration while the second phase, which involves the redevelopment of the banks of the Ganga river, will be ready by January next year.
At Kashi Vishwanath Dham Corridor, devotees will also see a statue of Maratha Queen Maharani Ahilyabai Holkar, who once reconstructed the temple. The entire event will be aired live across the country.
Over 3,000 seers, figures associated with different religious maths, artistes and other noted people will assemble at the venue on December 13 to witness the inauguration.
Forty ancient temples were found following the demolition of buildings around the main temple. These centuries-old temples which were earlier hidden are now visible. They will be preserved and opened to the public.
According to architect Patel, the Kashi Vishwanath Corridor Project includes the construction of Temple Chowk, Varanasi city gallery, museum, multipurpose auditoriums, hall, devotee facilitation centre, public convenience, salvation home, Godowlia Gate, Bhogshala, shelter for priests and sevadars, spiritual book space, and others.