Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday inaugurated and laid foundation stone of multiple development projects worth over Rs 3,000 crore in Navsari, Gujarat. These included the inauguration of 7 projects, foundation stone laying for 12 projects and Bhumi Pujan for 14 projects.
These projects, launched during the ‘Gujarat Gaurav Abhiyan’ in Navsari, will help in improving the water supply in the region, along with boosting connectivity and enhancing the ease of living, said an official release on PIB.
Addressing the gathering at the ‘Gujarat Gaurav Abhiyan’ programme, the Prime Minister said the double engine government is sincerely carrying forward this glorious tradition. These development projects will bring ease of living to Surat, Navsari, Valsad and Tapi districts of South Gujarat, he added.
Modi recalled how 8 years ago the people of Gujarat sent him to Delhi. In the last 8 years, he said, the government has succeeded in linking many new segments of people and regions with the development process and aspirations.
He recalled how there was a time when poor, deprived, dalits, tribals, women and other vulnerable sections used to spend their entire lives meeting just the basic needs. Earlier governments did not make development their priority, he said, adding that most needy sections and regions were deprived of the facilities.
The Prime Minister performed the Bhumi Pujan for 13 water supply projects for residents of Tapi, Navsari and Surat districts, worth Rs 961 crore. He also performed the Bhumi Pujan of a Medical College in Navsari district, to be built at the cost of about Rs 542 crore, which will help provide affordable and quality medical care to the people of the region.
Modi inaugurated the Madhuban dam based Astol regional water supply project, built at the cost of about Rs 586 crore. It is a marvel of water supply engineering skills. Also, ‘Nal Se Jal’ projects worth Rs 163 crore were inaugurated by the Prime Minister. These projects will provide safe and adequate drinking water to the residents of Surat, Navsari, Valsad and Tapi districts.
The Prime Minister laid the foundation stone of 8 water supply projects worth Rs 549 crore, to provide clean drinking water to the residents of Surat, Navsari, Valsad and Tapi districts.