Bollywood actor Parvin Dabas met with a car accident in Mumbai on the morning of September 21 and was admitted to the ICU. The news of his accident left his fans and well-wishers in worry and his wife Preeti Jhangiani also revealed that her family is in shock. She has now shared a health update on Dabas, revealing that the actor will be out of the ICU soon.
While expressing her fear and concern about her husband’s health, the ‘Mohabbatein’ actress shared that her family is still coping with this incident emotionally. She said, “He is usually very active and doesn’t stop talking about work even for a minute. To see him lying down and not his active self, is disturbing for the family.”
Preeti further revealed that Parvin was driving in the early morning after working all night and crashed his car into the divider due to a flash of headlights. Giving an update on the actor’s health, she added, “He has dizziness, double vision, drowsiness and nausea — signs of a concussion. He hasn’t been able to speak too much. Thankfully, his medical reports — MRI and CT scan — were clear. He will stay in the hospital for another week and will be out of the ICU soon. We will do another CT scan in three days.”
Parvin Dabas married Preeti Jhangiani in 2008 and the couple has two sons.
Parvin has worked in several hit movies including ‘Monsoon Wedding’, ‘My Name Is Khan’ and ‘Ragini MMS 2’. He was last seen in the movie ‘Sharmajee Ki Beti’, which is streaming on Prime Video.