Maharashtra Home Minister Dilip Walse Patil said that the investigating agencies have no information on the whereabouts of Param Bir Singh, the former Mumbai Police commissioner who is an accused in an alleged money laundering case.
“Along with the Union Home Ministry, we are also searching for his whereabouts. I’ve heard something like that but as a government officer, he can’t go abroad without government clearance… If he went away, then it is not good,” Walse Patil said on being asked about reports that the former Mumbai Police Commissioner fled to Russia.
He further added that the government has issued a Lookout Circular (LOC) for Param Bir Singh for failing to appear before the investigating agencies despite multiple notices. Four FIRs have been registered against Singh, who had alleged that former Maharashtra home minister Anil Deshmukh mean an extortion racket and asked police officials to collect money from bars and restaurant owners. Subsequently, Deshmukh resigned as Maharashtra home minister.
Walse Patil’s clarification came after reports suggested that Param Bir Singh has fled India. The former Mumbai Police commissioner was transferred to the Home Guards department after allegations surfaced in February this year. While he reportedly attended the office till May, Singh sought leave on health grounds and reportedly travelled to Chandigarh, his home town.
Despite multiple summonses and bailable warrants against him, Singh has not appeared before investigating agencies, thus triggering a probe and search regarding his whereabouts. According to reports, Singh’s mobile phones have also been switched off and the state government is mulling sacking the officer.