Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah has voiced serious concerns over recent attempts to target mosques and religious institutions in the country, describing them as part of a “well-planned conspiracy.” Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of the 42nd foundation day of the Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS), Abdullah emphasized the need for the state’s restoration of status and the honoring of promises made to its people.
“By attacking our mosques, shrines, and the way we practice our religion, you are victimizing us,” Abdullah stated. “This is not the India that Jammu and Kashmir was a part of. This is not the India our founding fathers had envisioned.” He expressed discontent with the narrative surrounding appeasement, asserting that while the community does not seek special treatment, they should not be targeted either.
Abdullah reiterated his demand for the restoration of Jammu and Kashmir’s statehood, emphasizing that the commitments made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi during parliamentary and assembly elections must be fulfilled. “People participated in droves in recent polls, and their commitment to the cause must be honored,” he said.
Highlighting the importance of India’s secular foundation, Abdullah condemned the ongoing survey of mosques and shrines across the country. “Our Constitution guarantees the right to live freely, irrespective of one’s religion or even if one chooses not to follow any religion. This fundamental principle of secularism must be upheld,” he stated. He warned against systematic efforts to undermine this ethos, calling such actions “unacceptable.”