The long-awaited film Ramayan, directed by Nitesh Tiwari, is set to release in 2026, and the team has now started revealing its star cast. The latest to do that was the talented actor Ravi Dubey, who officially announced his association with the film and revealed that he will be playing Lakshman in the Ranbir starter film, which is set to release in theatres in 2026.
“With the makers permission, I can now confirm that yes I am playing Lakshman in the film,” shared Ravi in an interview with Faridoon. He further talked about his devotion to the role and his excitement about working alongside Ranbir Kapoor.
“He is like an elder brother I never had. He is kind, warm, and a most immaculate professional that I have ever met. This is my first experience on a very big film set and my first experience working alongside a megastar like Ranbir Bhai. His kindness, his empathy towards everyone, his silence, his grace,” he said, and went on, “The only viable commercial artist of this generation would be Ranbir Bhai for me”. He continued and said: “He is the most graceful person I have come across; I regard him and love him like my own elder brother.”
About the film
In the film, Ranbir Kapoor will portray the character of Shri Ram, whereas Sai Pallavi will play the role of Mata Sita and Yash as Ravan.