A Hindu festival, Janmashtami is celebrated to mark the birth of Lord Krishna. As per the Hindu calendar, Lord Krishna, an avatar of Lord Vishnu, was born on the eighth day of the month of Bhadra and it is also known as Gokulashtami. On this day, people offer prayers to Lord Krishna and decorate temples and swings at their houses. After praying and offering white butter, curd, and milk to Lord Krishna’s idol, people can attend Dahi Handi events and see jhankis on the way to Lord Krishna temples
Many celebrities including Malayalam superstars Mohanlal and Mahesh Babu made sure to wish their fans, friends and family on the auspicious occasion. Check them out here:
Sharing a video, Malayalam superstar Mohanlal wrote on his Instagram,” May the auspiciousness of Janmashtami grace your lives!..#janmashtami #sreekrishnajayanthi #krishna (Sic).”