After making his big Bollywood debut with Malaal, Jaaved Jaaferi’s son Meezaan Jaffrey will be soon starring in Priyadarshan’s Hungama 2. The movie, which will release on an OTT platform on July 23, also stars Shilpa Shetty, Paresh Rawal and Pranitha Subhash in key roles. Recently, in an interaction with us, Meezaan candidly opened up about his upcoming project.
When asked how does he feel about working on the sequel of such a popular movie as his second film, Meezaan shared, “A little nervous, a little excited. I think I am a bit of both but it’s a good feeling.”
“It’s only my second film, I just have gratitude and I am honoured to be working in this film because it’s such a big name, such a big responsibility, such a big franchise, such a big star cast, such a big director, so all these things, you know, put a sort of burden on your shoulders, but it’s okay, it’s a good thing, it’s a good opportunity and I hope that I make the most of it,” he went on to say.
In the upcoming release, because of a misunderstanding, Paresh, who plays Shilpa’s husband, thinks that she and Meezaan are having an affair. While that’s just a misunderstanding, we asked Meezaan if he would be open to romancing an older actress on-screen and if so, who would he like to be paired opposite.
Replying to the same, the actor said, “I think Deepika Padukone for sure. I think I am okay, depending on the character or the role, I don’t think it matters. If I actually had to romance an older woman on screen, I think I would be okay with it, depending on the film and the character. The film is more important, it is more important to think about the story of the film than thinking about these minute details.”
Taking about the younger generation, he said that he would like to be paired opposite Janhvi Kapoor or Tara Sutaria
Further, Meezaan also opened up about working with Shilpa and Paresh, and said, “Because both of them are so senior, at first I was quite intimidated, I was nervous, I didn’t know how I am going to be addressing them, how I’m going to form a relationship with them, is it only going to be like in front of the camera or if there are going to be conversations behind the camera as well.”
He went on to share that he and Shilpa started off on a nice and friendly note. Praising the actress, who is making her comeback with Hungama 2, Meezaan shared that Shilpa is a chilled-out person and has a friendly nature.
“She is extremely sweet and supportive. She is full of life and she brings like this energy and positivity around her when she comes, so automatically, I think, those barriers were broken,” he shared.