Actor Saurabh Sachdeva is best known for his character in Sacred Games, starring Saif Ali Khan and Nawazuddin Siddiqui. Apart from being a part of that web series, he has featured in popular Bollywood films like Manmarziyaan, Housefull 4, and more. Most recently, the actor was seen in Raat Baaki Hai, which released on an OTT platform. He was a part of the digital movie with Rahul Dev, Paoli Dam and Anup Sonii. But did you know Saurabh Sachdeva is a famous acting coach too?
That’s true. The actor, who worked as an acting coach at Barry John Acting Studio for more than 10 years, has trained Bollywood actors like Varun Dhawan, Arjun Kapoor, Harshvardhan Rane, Kubbra Sait, Tripti Dimri, Richa Chadha, and more.
And later, Saurabh felt extremely good that he continues to be an acting coach to date. He said he has completed almost 20 years as a teacher and he enjoys it a lot. The Housefull 4 actor revealed that he started his acting school, The Actors Truth, in 2017 and it is running well. He concluded by stating that since the COVID-19 lockdown hit the nation, he has been teaching his students by conducting online classes.
“Students are happy. My journey has been very good because I have enjoyed it a lot,” he said while signing off.