West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has clarified that a malicious disinformation campaign was carried out against her using one of the statements she made during a rally yesterday. Addressing a gathering yesterday, Mamata Banerjee reminded protesting doctors of the Supreme Court appeal to join work. She further said one must remember that the Supreme Court said it was up to the state government to take action against errant doctors. “We didn’t take action. If an FIR is filed against you, your future will be ruined. He or she won’t get a passport or visa,” she said.
The protesting doctors termed her remark as a passive threat. However, after a wide outrage over her remarks, Banerjee clarified that her statement has been subjected to a ‘malicious disinformation campaign’.
“I detected a malicious disinformation campaign in some print, electronic and digital media which has been unleashed with reference to a speech that I made in our students’ programme yesterday. Let me most emphatically clarify that I have not uttered a single word against the (medical etc.) students or their movements. I totally support their movement. Their movement is genuine. I never threatened them, as some people are accusing me of doing. This allegation is completely false,” she said on X.
The West Bengal CM further said that her statement was against the BJP. “I have spoken against BJP. I have spoken against them because, with the support of the Government of India, they are threatening the democracy in our State and trying to create anarchy. With support from Centre, they are trying to create lawlessness and I have raised my voice against them,” added the CM.
Addressing a Trinamool ‘Chhatra Parishad’ foundation day programme in Kolkata yesterday, in response to BJP’s 12-hour long ‘Bengal Bandh’ call, the Chief Minister had alleged that Prime Minister Narendra Modi is using his party to cause a fire in Bengal over the Kolkata woman doctor rape and murder incident. “Some people think this is Bangladesh. I love Bangladesh; they speak like us and share our culture. But remember, Bangladesh is a separate country, and India is a separate country. Modi Babu is using his party to cause fire here. If you burn Bengal, Assam, North-East, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, and Delhi too shall burn! We will topple your chair,” Mamata Banerjee said.
Union minister and BJP leader Sukanta Majumdar criticized Banerjee for her remarks, accusing her of attempting to intimidate the doctors. BJP leader Baijayant Jay Panda also criticised the Bengal CM. “I strongly condemn the statement by West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee. Threatening to set Odisha, North-East, Eastern India, and the entire country on fire is reckless and divisive. Odisha is a peaceful state, and its people reject any attempts to incite hatred and unrest. Such rhetoric has no place in our society and will not be tolerated,” he said.