Noted singer Kailash Kher was attacked on Sunday evening at the Hampi Utsav in Karnataka. He was performing Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani’s Tu Jaane Na song when two men attacked him with bottles. As per reports, the miscreants demanded the singer to sing and talk in Kannada. Police swung into action following the shocking incident and arrested them.
Kailash Kher faces security scare, continues to perform
In a shocking incident, famous singer Kailash Kher was attacked during his live performance in Karnataka. The Padma Shri awardee was performing at the Hampi Mahotsav when men threw bottles at him allegedly demanding a ‘Kannada song’. Reportedly, two men were arrested by the cops following the security scare.
About Hampi Mahotsav
Chief Minister Basavaraja Bommai inaugurated the cultural festival on January 27. The three-day Hampi Utsav was attended by several other artists and celebrities, including Hindi playback singer Armaan Mallik. Sandalwood singers Arjun Jannya, Vijaya Prakash, Raghu Dikshit and Anannya Bhath also performed there. There were four stages Gayatri Peeta, Eduru Basavanna Vedike, Hampi Virupaksheshwar Vedike and Sasuvekalu Vedike.
Hours before performing there, Kailash had expressed excitement. He wrote on social media, “India’s ancient city, the Kal section is included in the form of temples and attaris, whose history accelerates world’s appreciation, Shivnad of @bandkailasa #KailasaLiveInConcert will echo today in #HampiMahotsav Even today, all majestic crafts, history, art, music fair, @karnatakaworld @kkaladham”