To comply with the guidelines of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India’s (TRAI), telecom unit of Reliance, Jio had recently launched two new voice-only prepaid plans, specially designed for users who primarily rely on calling and SMS services. Afterward, the company reduced the price of these plans to be in the competition in the telecom market.
‘TelecomTalk’ earlier reported that Jio is not allowing add-on data vouchers on the recharge of the voice and SMS-only plans. The company has confirmed this development on social media platform ‘X’.
“Please note that Data Boosters or Data Add-On packs (69/139) cannot be recharged if you only have a Voice and SMS plan active on your account,” JioCare said on X in response to a query from a user.
Reliance Jio: Voice And SMS-Only Plans
Jio’s Rs 448 recharge plan offers 84 days of validity, unlimited voice calling, free national roaming, 1,000 free SMS, and access to Jio Cinema, and it’s TV apps, but does not include mobile data benefits. This plan costed Rs 458 earlier.
Jio’s Rs 1,748 recharge plan offers a 336-day validity, unlimited voice calling, free national roaming, 3,600 free SMS, and complimentary access to Jio Cinema, and it’s TV apps, with no mobile data benefits. Jio initially kept the price of this plan at Rs 1,958 but with a longer validity of 365 days.
Alongside with the launch of these new plans, the company has ended its existing plan worth Rs 1,899 plan (24GB data & 336-day validity) and Rs 479 plan (6GB data & 84-day validity).