The Mumbai Police have arrested celebrity couple Jay Bhanushali and Mahhi Vij’s temporary cook who reportedly threatened to stab the actress and her daughter Tara with a ‘khanjar’, an official has said. Identified as Santosh Yadav from Nehru Nagar, Juhu, the cook was arrested on Wednesday evening. Jay and Mahhi had lodged a complaint against him.
“The actor had contacted the police via Twitter and later lodged an FIR at the Oshiwara police station. The accused was booked under sections 509 (Word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman), 504 (Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace) and 506 (Punishment for criminal intimidation) of the IPC on June 29 evening. The police arrested him on the same day and on June 30, he was produced before the Andheri metropolitan court,” a police official has been quoted as saying.
It was on June 29 that Mahhi took to her Twitter to share the horrifying update. In a series of tweets, which have now been deleted, the Balika Vadhu actress revealed that the temporary cook hurled abuses at her family over a salary-related dispute and threatened to kill her. She also stated that the cook was stealing from them.
While speaking with ETimes, Mahhi narrated the ordeal in detail. “It had just been three days and we were alerted that he’s stealing. I had waited to inform Jay. When Jay came, he wanted to settle the bill but the cook demanded to be paid for the entire month. When Jay tried to reason out, he started threatening. He got drunk and started hurling abuses at us. We went to the cops. I don’t care if anything happens to me, but I was scared for my daughter,” she said.
“When we went to the police station he kept calling me. I have all the recordings. Seeing whatever is happening everywhere, it is very scary. What if he stabs me? If something happens to me, people will protest later. What’s the point then? I am scared for my family’s safety. I heard he will be out on bail. What if he actually gets men after coming out of the jail and targets us?” added Mahhi.
Mahhi and Jay tied the knot in 2011 and became proud parents to daughter Tara in 2019.